Author: Sean Colombo Date: 20080322 This file will explain some of the setup instructions and troubleshooting for running a deployment of the OffhandWay engine which powers DATABASE: - Set up a new mySQL database and load it with the code in offhandWay.sql to get it started. Put the connection information into a file called "DB_CONFIG.php" in the "/includes" directory. The variables that you will need to define can be found in "/includes/connect.php" - Set up the Motive Filesystem tables by installing the code from /lib/motive_fs.sql PHP Configuration (php.ini): - PHP 5 needs to be installed with mySQL, browscaps, mbstring, exif, and GD2 support all installed & enabled. See the end of this section for the code to put into php.ini (assuming you have all of the .dlls in your PHP/ext directory). - To set up browsercaps, make sure that the following lines are in your php.ini file (this won't work using ini_set in PHP): Notice that they spell browse without the "e"... "browscap". If you don't have a copy of browscap.ini already there, you will need put a copy of it into the PHP directory (same directory as your php.ini) or somewhere else that the .ini file can find it. For convenience, there is a version of browscap.ini included in this /SETUP directory of OffhandWay. - Make sure the GD2 image library is installed and turned on. This line in the php.ini file should be uncommented (or added) to turn GD2 on for windows: It should already be enabled in Linux (TODO: Verify this then add instructions for Linux anyway). - mbstring extension (php_mbstring.dll must be loaded before php_exif.dll) for multibyte strings - both for Unicode and the EXIF extension. - exif extension (used for getting the meta-data from photos). - ACTUAL CODE TO ADD TO php.ini: [gd2] extension=php_gd2.dll [mbstring] extension=php_mbstring.dll [exif] extension=php_exif.dll [browscap] browscap = browscap.ini OTHER TOOLS: ImageMagick needs to be installed or uploading of images will fail (due to failures when trying to generate thumbnails). - WARNING: MAKE SURE TO RESTART AFTER INSTALLING IMAGE MAGICK ON WINDOWS BECAUSE IT WON'T WORK THROUGH PHP UNTIL YOU DO!