Author: Sean Colombo Date: 20090731 A lot of scaling thoughts are premature to be implemented when they are concieved, so this file was created to capture the ideas for later use. WATERMARKING: - Right now the watermarks are done dynamically which won't fly in the long-run. A good solution would be to keep the originals in a non-accessible directory, and generate watermarked versions upon creation. If the watermark for the site is ever changed, then a cron-job can be used to re-create all of the watermarked images. For huge sites, this could even be done in parallel in a cloud environment if the site wanted to guarantee that the delay before the new watermark was rolled out was relatively short. MEMCACHED: - A simple memcached interface (that would end up being used much like MediaWiki uses it) would be a great addition. It would be great to be able to just pop that into any existing caching such as the caching in the Page class.